
all there, unraveling his one kilometer long list of things most certain to be so

My life isn't really changing, but my emotional world is kind of crashing down around me; you can only be stable for so long. I've got a bunch of homework for the next, oh, month, and work is scheduling me for more shifts than usual for the next two weeks. My life is pretty overwhelming - I had a conversation with Eric Jones, a guy at my school, and he said, "The play is eating me alive", to which I responded, "Life is eating me alive." That's pretty apt at this point.

Regardless, I'm supposed to be showing you pretty pictures, not bitching about my personal life, which, by the way is feeling more and more like this guy's every day. So here's the Mosaic Mondays update:

Some times I have really weird days, and things like these are what come from it. If anyone's ever been to Hell's Kitchen in Duluth, there's some really strange art on the walls, which is sort of... endearing? if you stare at it long enough. Anyways, all of that together leads to this. The first picture is John McCain and the second picture is Barack Obama. Sort of.