
2 step

Another issue that has been occupying me recently is my own lack of motivation. I've been getting tired very easily, and the answer to that is to eat well and exercise. But that takes time and more energy, and so it all just sort of spirals down into not doing anything and being tired. This is similar to my loneliness spiral.

It makes it very difficult to do anything when I'm always tired. It also makes it difficult when I have very little personal time (due to work), and even less time personal creative time (due to hanging out with people). This means that I don't get anything done creatively and get frustrated about it. Hello Blacksmith is currently where I get most of my creative energies out, which is cool, because it's hanging out and creativity at once, but I also do more than play punk music.

I write music, poetry, lyrics, I draw, I sing, I practice spoken word.

All of those? Haven't happened.

Sitting outside enjoying the sun? Nope.

Reading? Hah!

Time only factors into the motivation issues. Time is not the problem. Motivation to use the little time I have for creativity is.

Now I know why people never leave school. It's a completely different structure for your time.


  1. You should go on a date with yourself.

  2. ....I hadn't thought of that. Hm.

  3. Tasha may be a genius. or you could do what andrea does and have "hermit days" where she doesn't answer her phone at all on purpose.

  4. Tasha is right- going on a date with yourself is wonderful, and for me the best way to get back to feeling self-like. Especially if you make yourself get out of the house and go on an adventure of some sort, with book and notebook in hand.
