
Here's a bad one: what did the Buddhist circuit designer say when meditating? Ohm....

My new projects have me overwhelmed
I don't know what to do.
I'm not sure who has the helm
As I sail the ocean blue.
Burma shave.

Suddenly just have a lot to do in a short amount of time. I really wish my professors were more clear in how they discuss projects and project ideas. Also, having to have this honor's thesis proposal done a week early is hurting me strongly.

I'm rereading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. It's still a really good book. It's also not conducive to getting things done.

Tonight I had dinner with a friend I haven't seen in a while. It was delicious, and good company. We talked about relationships and love, marriage, wedding dresses, my old roommate, my lack of new roommate, and her mother. Overall, a very "Mac" dinner conversation. She "studied" in Japan last semester, by which I mean she lived in a monastery and meditated, and although it doesn't seem to have reigned in her personality, she's thinking harder and deeper than she used to, or at least more than she used to show us. I like this.

She asked if I could ever be happy alone, and I told her yes. She said her boyfriend was the same way, quite similar to me, actually, and asked how she was supposed to feel about being with someone who can be happy being alone. I told her she should feel wanted, because if someone is self-sufficient and doesn't need you, but wants you to be around, that's something really special.

I am full of silly bits of quiet tonight, blocks of calm floating in a rocking harbor.

Not unlike crates of tea, a sign of rebellion against the stress taking hold of my life.


  1. can we please hang out sometime?

  2. American Gods FTW!

    Also, I totally feel the "lots to do, little time" scenario. Except I'm not doing the things I need to. Er. >.>

  3. "hasn't reigned in her personality" <--- yay, i'm glad.

    liked your idea that people who can be alone being with other peple is special, it's a nice thought.
