

This is the poem I wrote for the blank verse assignment that fell over the weekend I went to Morris.

We wake to leave this town we slept in, two
Days lost to adventure. The war is done,
For now. Vinny sleeps beside me: bright sun
Too much for eyes not used to squinting, and
The plains give no cover from light of day.

Détente is fought on streets that stand empty –
The trenches dug in muddy snow banks, in
The mall with copy printer paper signs
Read “FOR LEASE,” in the coffee shop, at home.

The people of the town hide in their homes
On the days we are there. They fill up Don's
But are gone by the time the students rise.
An Ag-town, these people work their own farms,
Run their own shops, raise their own children, but –
We come and bring chaos, riotous smoke,
The sound of laughter at 4 a. m.

The battle starts quiet: someone runs past
With bottle in hand, a scowl is heard
And the soft curve of a police cruiser
Is seen rounding the block – no lights, not yet,
And as the party waves to the car with
Their ruddy, smiling faces, “Carry on”
Echoes weary across the space.


  1. you leave me curious what you did in morris, but i like the imags that pop in my head- can picture them real clearly.

  2. I loved it when you read this one to me over the phone - your descriptors are especially good here.
